In order to enable you to use our websites with complete peace of mind, OphtAI provides you here with all the information on the collection and use of your personal data. If you have any comments or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us on
We strive to meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in force for the European Union, for all our users in all countries.
The Evolucare Group has appointed a DPO (Data Protection Officer). If you have any questions regarding the protection of personal data, you may contact our DPO at the following address :
Evolucare Technologies – DPO
60 Route de Sartrouville, 78230 Le PECQ
The responsibility for the processing of your personal data is the same as that for the publication of the site – please refer to the legal notices page.
Your personal data, considering the nature of these and their use, will be kept for a maximum of 3 years after your last interaction with OphtAI.
In accordance with the GDPR, you may, among other things:
Your rights regarding the cookies and website traffic analysis, please refer to the next chapter.
The site uses Google Analytics, a solution designed for anonymous statistical tracking of traffic and navigation. In accordance with regulatory requirements, on your first visit, you can deactivate this follow-up by a simple click on the message appearing on your screen.
If you continue browsing the site without clicking on this option, we will then perform statistical monitoring allowing us only to analyze the use of our site to improve and enrich it. The maximum duration of this consent is 13 months.
Your choice is stored on your computer or mobile device only. The request may therefore be submitted to you again if you change your device, browser or reset your cookies.
You can change your preferences below.